Are you a Vision Driven Leader?
I recently read, (okay I listened to) an audiobook by Michael Hyatt. This book is titled The Vision Driven Leader. In his book, Michael emphasizes the following points:
- You know you need to prepare for the future of your organization, but the future can feel big and foreboding.
- How do you prepare? When will you find the time? What will the future even look like?
- The future of your organization doesn’t have to fill you with fear. You can lead your organization into a better, more exciting future with a clear and compelling vision.

It was a great read and an inspiration for further meditation. As a leader in my business, am I truly leading with a relevant vision? Is my vision clear to my employees? Is my vision driving the culture I am seeking?
Three Considerations to Drive your Vision:
1. Understanding that Vision Drives Everything
What was Henry Ford’s vision when he developed his first automobile? Was it to improve the current mode of transportation? Perhaps he could have bred faster horses for the carriages of his time. No, his vision was to build and market a simple, strong, reliable, affordable car for the masses. He specifically wanted to help farm families to become less isolated.
This vision of Henry Ford inspired the production line. A lean, efficient way to manufacture vehicles for the masses. By taking a step back and looking at the greater perspective, he was able to drive meaningful change.
In the same way, we are driven by vision. As a leader, when our teams buy into our visions, we become inspirational and great things happen. Do you have an inspiring vision?

2. Drafting an Inspiring Vision
Developing a clear vision feels daunting. How, can it be realistic but also usable? Michael Hyatt asks five specific questions to guide your thinking:
- What do you want? Direction begins with desire.
- Is it Clear? Make it concrete and explicit.
- Does it Inspire? Moved people move people.
- Is it Practical? Understanding strategy and hiring.
- Can you Sell it? Enrolling your team.
3. Living your Vision
Once your vision is determined, you need to live this vision. Use it in all your marketing, hang it from your walls, even stamp it on your forehead! Knowing your vision intimately will drive your team and your decision-making. When challenges arise, recall your vision, and ensure that your vision is what pushes your decision. When new products are available, ensure they fit into your vision. When you are ready to give up, turn back to your vision. It will be the guide for you and your team to build a culture that continues to drive change and performance and in the end to achieve your vision. After all, have you ever seen a Ford?
P.S. More information on Michael Hyatt’s book, The Vision Driven Leader can be found here