Our mission is to serve the people that serve us
We’ll help you take the unreliability out of compliance so you can focus on the fun things. With our Safeguard agreement, you can confidently communicate across the globe without spending a fortune on repairs and maintenance.
How can we serve you?
“Is it true you can print text on anything?”
and other FAQs
Who is printDATA?
PrintDATA is much more than a printing company. Principally, we help companies connect people and products with shipping labels, product labels, batch codes, and different types of medical trolleys. But by combining technology from world-leading brands with our Agile innovation, we help you improve in ways you never thought possible.
We are proud to be a trusted supplier to many essential service providers across Australia, from factories and warehouses to hospitals and aged care facilities.
Why these products?
It all started 25 years ago. Our founder Laurens was sick of needing to call a technician every week because of his office printer constantly breaking down. He spent a whole weekend pulling apart one old printer after another, until he could fix them blindfolded.
Laurens realised there was a serious business opportunity when all his friends started asking him to fix their printers too. He quit his job as an IT support technician and dedicated his life to selling printers that don’t break down in the first place.
We no longer sell office printers, but inkjet coders, label printers and healthcare trolleys are also mission-critical equipment that have traditionally been unreliable and prone to error. It is important that essential service providers use equipment that just does the job without breaking down, so all our products come with the same commitment to reliability that Laurens has always been so passionate about.s
Is it true you can print text on anything?
Almost. Albert likes to tell people that, but in truth, there are a few times we tried and had to give up. However, our printers are proven to work in the toughest manufacturing environments, and on the most challenging substrates. We can print on almost any material (plastic, glass, cardboard, metal) and food and industrial packaging is our speciality. From electronic components to specialist cable and wires, we have printing solutions that will work on almost all of your industrial products. We love a challenge and are always willing to give it a go!
What if we are currently doing everything by hand? Can you help us with basic automation?
Of course! You have to start somewhere, and we would be proud to partner with you on your automation journey. Sometimes it is better to automate other processes before the printing process, in which case we will recommend other companies to step in and help.
How come over 1,000 companies are obsessed with you?
Traditionally, label printers, inkjet coders and hospital trolleys have been notorious for being unreliable and expensive to maintain. But for 25 years printDATA has been selling equipment that goes against the flow. Inkjet printers that don’t spill ink everywhere. Hospital trolleys that glide effortlessly across the floor. And so on.
How have we done this? By following Agile methodology. That is, we are uncovering better ways of doing things by continuously improving and collaborating with our customers.
Over the past 25 years we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions
Working products
Customer collaboration
Responding to change
over processes and tools
over comprehensive documentation
over contract negotiation
over following a plan
That is, while we still value the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
Also… our guide on Implementing Agile has gone viral, people love it. You can get it here – it’s free!
I want to find out more about you. What should I do next?
We say the best way to get to know someone is over a cup of coffee. Schedule a chat with one of our team, even if there’s no particular issue you want to discuss. Our team are happy to take time out of our day to sit back and relax and talk about the footy, your pets, your dream holiday destination… whatever!
Trusted by hundreds of companies inluding:

Contact Us
Phone (08) 9361 6777, email info@printdata.com.au, or visit us at U6, 25 Owen Rd. Kelmscott, WA 6111
Alternatively, fill out the form below and one of our team members will respond within 1 business day.